Kate Moss scrapes former Libertine and admitted crack addict and junkie off of the London pavement and whisks him off to her Cotswold mansion for some wild druggie lovin'. Yay for Crack and dope. Like e-harmony for cool people. (Evening Standard) (Sun)
Amazon.uk is reporting a run on Happy Mondays albums since Bez, the group's infamous dancer, mascot and chemist, has appeared on celebrity big brother. Bez himself seems to be having a rough time locked in the house however, and he nor any the Mondays, for that matter, will probably make any money from the revival. Hey, as long as Warner's is happy. (Manchester Online)
Err, surely, the worst defense of Prince Harry's "party nazi" gaffe so far -- from some royal hanger-on -- "You could argue that it was a good thing Harry wore that costume. After all it highlighted the whole debate about Auschwitz—and that's a positive thing, surely." Indubitably, dumbass (blood running a bit thin, eh?). (NOTW)
Rumour from Popbitch is that it's because Kate's back on the brown...
Posted by: Natali | January 18, 2005 at 05:12 PM
Figures. Read this bizarro Pete post from Babyshambles.com. He is so annoyingly pretentious, but figure this out: http://www.network54.com/Forum/thread?forumid=253130&messageid=1106066881&lp=1106068492
Posted by: | January 21, 2005 at 05:26 PM
Prince Harry should have used better judgement knowing that he has always been in the spotlight.
Posted by: Audacity08 | February 05, 2005 at 01:03 PM